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Women today want more than just younger looking skin, they want better quality skin and Fractional Laser can do this. Not only do you reverse signs of ageing, you get rid of those pesky fine lines, acne scars, stretch marks, textural irregularities, and this is all done discreetly – no downtime with DR NIRDOSH Fractional Laser Dubai treatment.  

Get beautifully conditioned skin that’s wrinkle-free, smoother,  looks brighter and scar-free with me, Dr NIRDOSH. Opting for our anti ageing fractional CO₂ laser treatment in Dubai is an excellent way to reduce the visible signs of ageing whilst still addressing main concerns like acne, hyperpigmentation and redness. If you’re seeking an effective way to improve your whole complexion and lose the years without surgery, then my Fractional Laser Dubai Treatment is the right option for you! 

Fractional Treatment

What is Fractional Laser Dubai treatment?

There are many different types of laser resurfacing treatments on the market. Still, the one that stands out and is promoted by Dr NIRDOSH Dubai Aesthetic Clinic is our fractional laser treatment.

Fraxel laser is a process that emits tiny beams of light to target specific areas of the face, such as wrinkles in different depths, along with acne scars and age spots. These beams create controlled microscopic wounds, which trigger your skin’s natural healing process to produce beautiful new stronger collagen and elastin fibres that diminish wrinkles, plump up loose sagging skin, all whilst to improve your overall visible complexion. You look younger, feel lifted, more confident with a clear, glowing complexion that really stands out.


How Fraxel Works With Dr Nirdosh

Dr Nirdosh performs Fraxel® Laser Treatment as one of her superior face and body anti-ageing treatment to improve your whole complexion and give you a beautiful, more younger lifted appearance without any downtime.

Dr Nirdosh higher intelligence of understanding laser procedures with celebrities and the impact on skin laxity, allows her to implement subtle micro-changes in Fraxel to deliver tailored results for each skin type.

Using safe laser of Fractional CO² laser resurfacing treatments Dr Nirdosh will target areas that reveal thinning or damaged skin tissue you don’t even know you have.

She will ultimately stimulate new collagen production in your deep skin cells to produce younger-looking skin to lift your appearance

The procedure will reduce wrinkles, scars, and discolouration and Dr Nirdosh medically combines all three to deliver high pulse skin results to patients simultaneously.

Fraxel can achieve three skin concerns simultaneously when performed by an authorized doctor. Dr NIRDOSH’s team provides that trained level of intensity required to deliver optimum results to you adequately.

Treatment Times

Treatment Time: 30-45 Minutes

Recovery Time: Nil (absolute)


Is Fractionel Laser Safe?

Yes as Dr Nirdosh utilizes only FDA approved procedrues and Fractional laser treatments use a patented non-ablative system that delivers controlled pulses to the deep layers of your skin.

What is a non-ablative laser?

In contrast, our Fractional Treatment at Dr Nirdosh for you is a non-ablative laser. The main difference between ablative and non-ablative treatments is that ablative lasers remove the top layer of skin. This works by heating underlying skin tissue (without harming the surface) so that your body produces new anti-ageing collagen.

Dr Nirdosh achieves this outcome succeslfully with non-ablative Fractional without damaging any of the upper skin layers.

Why fractional CO² laser resurfacing treatment has become popular?

Simply because patients get results with Dr Nirdosh’s Fractional Procedures just after one session, You will see an improved complexion and a more youthful appearance without any surgery or downtime.

Just one session will give you smoother, less lined skin that looks beautiful from morning till night! The benefits usually start showing after just one treatment, but you will be required to have several sessions and a course of treatments to see the complete results.

The Procedure

Typically, you will sit back and relax while our Aesthetic Nurse will take you through you the Fractional CO₂ Laser Treatment session once undergoing all the safety protocols again. Our dedicated aesthetic Nurse will show you ways to relax as the Fractional laser is applied to treatable areas, like the face and body and this whole process takes about an hour.

There may be an element of discomfort, and Dr Nirdosh will ordinarily prescribe the treatment to be performed under some form of anaesthesia.

The Nurse will apply a topical anaesthetic cream to numb the area being treated gently. Post-treatment, Dr Nirdosh will assess your skin and will prescribe a suitable post-procedural ointment for comfort and to maximise result efficiancy.


How is it different to other Laser Treatments?

One thing to note about fractional CO2 laser treatment is how it differs from other skin treatments in Dubai. The laser is divided into thousands of tiny light shafts that penetrate your deep layers of the facial skin without damaging or over-heating any surrounding tissue and nerves, which can occur with other lasers.

The Dr NIRDOSH fractional CO² laser treatment utilized beam technology to penetrate only the top skin layers. This process avoids skin contact completely and ensures less discomfort, swelling and potential side effects compared to other types of lasers.

Dr Nirdosh promotes that Fractional only be delivered by a our trained laser nurses as they will maximise benefits and adhear to our ongoing safety campaign for patient awareness, for which our Nurses also prescribe.

Once we have enough beams that have reached the target area, a reproduction process of creating new collagen formation has begun. Your face will start to produce younger-looking stronger new skin, with fewer wrinkles, scarring and discolouration than before.

Who can benefit from the treatments

Women looking to eliminate wrinkles and repair sun damage will see better results with Fraxel treatments. It can also be effective for those who are looking to reduce the appearance of acne scars or stretch marks.

Fraxel laser resurfacing ideally helps with wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and sun damage such as discolouration or freckles! This procedure also will provide you with tightening properties that help prevent ongoing ageing from occurring in these areas.

Ideal Candidates for Fraxel Laser

Ideally, women who are in their 40s showing visible signs of ageing such as saggy skin, fine lines and wrinkles would benefit from this treatment as the skin is becomes smoother and even with gentle lifting of the skin .

Also, women with genetics prone to ageing would be ideal candidates as Fraxel laser will target treat the areas prone to ageing so the trauma is less invasive.

Women with hyperpigmentation and acne would also be ideal candidates as the procedure will minimise tanned skin tone.

Results of Fractional CO² Treatment:

  • a reduction in pore size,
  • reduced fine lines and
  • reduced wrinkles
  • smoother even skin
  • less scar visibility
  • lifted skin
  • glowing dewy skin
  • improvement in acne scarring
  • improved skin pigmentation
  • tighter skin
  • lifted appearance
Our Fractional Laser Dubai treatment produces results that keep working long after the procedure, with results lasting up to 1 year. The result will show that Fraxel is an anti-ageing treatment for smoother and firmer lifted skin that looks better than before the process was done. Dr Nirdosh emphasises it’s a great way to refresh tired-looking skin naturally without surgery, so if you’re feeling like your current skincare routine isn’t getting enough results, then give Dr NIRDOSH a call today.

What to expect after your treatment has been completed.

You will be able to resume your normal life on the same day as treatment, but you must protect the newly regenerated skin from the sun; even when not in the sun, it is recommended to apply sunscreen.

Our Nurse will provide a post-treatment medical prescribed skin healing ointments routine to take home with you. In most cases, your skin should heal and show noticeable improvement in the first few weeks after treatment. A course of treatments is recommended as part of an ongoing regime for maintenance.


Fraxel therapy side effects:

The Dr NIRDOSH fractional CO² laser treatment uses a beam of light to penetrate only the top skin layers. This process avoids skin contact completely and ensures less discomfort, swelling and potential side effects compared to other types of lasers.

The most common complication is mild redness and swelling, which usually subsides with ice packs or topical treatments within 24 hours. The discomfort lasts just a few seconds during the treatment. There could also be some pink splotches on the skin where blood vessels were damaged.

Slackened skin and ageing spots are some side effects to be aware of, plus possible acne breakouts post-treatment in people prone to it; possible dryness if not properly protected with SPF 30 sunblock after Fraxel Laser Resurfacing treatments.

There can also be brown patches (hyperpigmentation) where the procedure has been done because of inflammation from the trauma. These symptoms usually disappear within weeks and rarely last more than six months so long as you protect your skin with sunscreen every day afterwards.

In conclusion:

Dr NIRDOSH’S Fractional Laser Dubai treatment is an FDA approved treatment and is your first step towards getting younger-looking and lifted skin with a more balanced healthie complexion.


By fixing wrinkles, rejuvenating ageing cells and enhancing collagen production over time, Dr Nirdosh uses Fraxel Laser to help make your complexion more beautiful than ever before as it evens out deformities in your skin tone too while anti ageing your face.


Dr Nirdosh states that with regular courses of fractional CO² resurfacing anti-ageing treatments at our clinic, your appearance will change dramatically over a given time– in as little as six weeks as the new collagen starts to really take form.


Contact Dr NIRDOSH Dubai to book your Fractional Laser appointment with Dr Nirdosh, and we will book you in for a prior safety health consultation with one of our Nurses.


Frequently asked questions

As with any other type of facial filler, you should be aware of possible side effects such as bruising, swelling or infection.

In addition, if there is a large amount injected at one time, you could experience temporary numbness along your jawline for up to 24 hours.

Side effects are rare with Restylane injections.

You may experience mild discomfort, swelling or redness in the skin where the filler was injected.

Dr NIRDOSH will give you detailed and specific instructions on how to take care of yourself after your treatment to have smooth results for as long as possible! 

Each session follows one week apart, so typically, at least five sessions are recommended but could depend on what you want to achieve from them. Expect to see a dramatic improvement in your skin’s texture and tone. Over time, you should also notice that fine lines and wrinkles are getting less as the newly formed collagen continues to strengthen. 

If you are looking for an affordable solution that won’t put too much stress on your pocket strings, fractional collagen production could be just what you need. Many people who have tried it say they would recommend it to provide skin wrinkle benefits that work. Our therapists will work to improve and enhance your whole face and neck area.

Fraxel CO² laser treatments are designed to be a permanent, lasting solution for your skin. When you come in for treatment at Dr NIRDOSH, it won’t matter if you consider yourself young or old because we always work miracles on all sorts of people. The collagen production stimulated during the procedure creates new skin cells and will further enhance your face gradually to fill in the wrinkles and solar damage. Do note:  you will continue to age naturally, so repeat treatments are recommended, but your skin will look smoother and fresher.



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