DR NIRDOSH® Leading Celebrity Cosmetic Doctor to Royalty, Celebrities & A-Listers

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Does The ‘Pert Job’ Signal The End Of The Boob Job?

When Victoria Beckham swapped her Ds for Bs her fashion empire grew almost as quickly as her chest had shrunk. It was a style savy move. No wonder so many women followed. Even queen of the boob job – aka Katie Price – recently downsized in a bid to be taken more serious.

Big fake boobs are simply not in style according to a recent report from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). The new report states that breast augmentations plunged by almost a quarter (23%) in the year 2014, highlighting a trend for smaller, more natural breasts. Hoorah! As VB once told Vogue: ‘No more torpedo bazookas’. Big grapefruit breasts are out, natural pert breasts are in.

Read full article on Grazia.

• Harley Street doctor warns of steep rise in people asking for cosmetic jabs in a bid to look better in candid celebrity-style snaps
• Dr Neetu Nirdosh has seen an 85% rise in clients wanting selfie surgery
• Popular treatments include fillers, Botox and non-surgical nose jobs
• Says women feel under increasing pressure to look good in selfies

The craze for selfies is fuelling a boom in cosmetic procedures with one doctor reporting an 85 per cent boost in business, it has been revealed.

Fuelled by the sight of celebrity selfie fans such as Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevigne, women are queuing up for botox, dermal fillers and lip plumper in a bid to look their best.

According to Dr Neetu Nirdosh, the thought of going on to share their snaps on social media adds to the pressure to look good and is driving the trend.

Read full article on DailyMail.
Would you plump up your vagina with fillers?
• Harley Street medic has warned of a rise in requests for genital jabs
• Dr Neetu Nirdosh specialises in facial enhancements such as botox
• Has pointed to the risks of applying cosmetic jabs to the genitals
• Says risks include nerve paralysis, bleeding and loss of sensation

Top cosmetic doctor Dr NIRDOSH warns of risky new trend… after being inundated with clients looking for ‘genital enhancements’

A top beauty doctor has warned of the risks of ‘genital enhancement’ after being inundated with requests for cosmetic jabs for the penis and vagina.

Harley Street skin specialist Dr Neetu Nirdosh says requests range from anal bleaching to having the labia and the penis plumped using dermal fillers.

According to the medic, such intimate treatments are not only unnecessary but can also result in painful swelling, nerve paralysis, bleeding and other complications.

Read full article on DailyMail.
The Labia Puff
Not Even Our Vaginas Are Safe From Fillers
We know women and girls are concerned with the appearance of their vulva (the external part of the vagina), despite there being no such thing as a “normal” one. They worry about its size, shape and colour, and now, too, its plumpness. The fetishisation of youth and beauty knows no bounds.

The popularity of non-surgical lip fillers has grown exponentially in the last few years, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) – at the same time as more expensive surgical procedures are on the decline. And now, women are “plumping up” their labia in the same way they are their lips.

Labia filler treatments – also marketed as the “labial puff” and “intimate area fillers” – are available at dozens of private clinics in London (and throughout the UK) and involve injecting hyaluronic acid or a woman’s own fat into the labia majora (the outer folds of the vulva).

Read full article on Refinery29.
One cold and wet day in what passes for spring this year, I find myself standing on the doorstep of a neat bungalow off the A1 in Finchley, in north London. Cars rush by; I am lashed by rain. I am here for an appointment with Dr Neetu Nirdosh, self-styled celebrity skin doctor and one of the UK’s newest, most inventive anti-ageing gurus. Skincare products and supplements bear her brand name, along with a radical approach to the business of growing older.

Dr Nirdosh believes that ageing is a disease like any other, and that it should be treated as such. Furthermore, she believes that she has the knowledge and the means to do so, and has founded an empire on both. She wants to cure us – and specifically me – of ageing.

I have met Dr Nirdosh before. In February I attended an anti-ageing boot camp in Kent which was so exhausting that I came back looking 20 years older. This, however, was not the fault of Dr Nirdosh, who seemed like a source of comfort and a voice of reason among the other, less palatable aspects of the camp. There had been a power play between the hardline organisers, who wanted us out on drills every second of the day, and Dr Nirdosh, who tended towards the benefits of pampering baths and an hour of meditation over yomping up hills carrying a heavy metal pole.

Read full article on The Guardian.
Everyone knows that the process of ageing is apparent externally, for example in wrinkles, thin skin and age lines; inevitably, it also affects us internally, leaving the body in a progressively fragile state. But what can we do to slow down this process?

In this ground-breaking book, Dr Nirdosh shows that ageing can be controlled and even reversed using her unique face and body programme, which surges anti-ageing hormones back into you and puts an out-of-control body back in control of itself. As part of her unique regime, Dr Nirdosh has devised specialist yet simple ways of controlling the ageing process, including easy exercise techniques, a simple-to-follow diet, advice on which supplements to take and effective skin treatments.

Each element of the programme stimulates the production of anti-ageing hormones and boosts skin cell immunity. This dual effect slows he ageing process, recaptures youth in the inside and out which will give you the ultimate non-surgical face and body lift!

Get the book on Amazon.
Botox Boob Jobs On The Rise? Non-Surgical Procedure Claims To Boost Cup Size
Botox-style boob jobs are on the rise, according to a cosmetic surgeon who says the non-surgical treatment is becoming a “must have pre-red carpet procedure” for celebrities.

“The Breastox- Botox is fast becoming the must have pre-red carpet procedure for my celebrity clients,” Dr Neetu Nirdosh, a cosmetic surgeon on Harley Street, told the MailOnline.

Botox Boob Jobs On The Rise? Non-Surgical Procedure Claims To Boost Cup The way it works is simple.

Botox is injected into the pectoral muscles, which temporarily relaxes them – or paralyses them depending on how you look at it. This means that surrounding chest and shoulder muscles are left to support the breasts, which provides an instant lift.

Read full article on Huffington Post.
• Royal Rejuvenation is designed to give you Kate-style cheekbones and skin
• £650 treatment includes diamond facial mapping and cosmetic injections
• Designed by A-list (and Danish royal) favourite Dr Neetu Nirdosh

She has the face that launched a million nose jobs as Duchess of Cambridge fans rush to copy her perfect nose and lovely smile.

Now, a leading celebrity cosmetic doctor has launched a new treatment that claims to give fans of Duchess, her strong cheekbones, heavy brows and perfect skin too.

The Regal Rejuvenation, which starts at £650, includes diamond facial mapping and infusions of precious stone extract, as well as Botox and hyaluronic acid injections.

Inspiration: The Duchess of Cambridge boasts flawless skin, strong brows and sculpted cheekbones But even if they can afford it, Dr Neetu Nirdosh, the beauty guru behind the treatment, says not everyone will be allowed to have it.

Read full article on DailyMail.
Dermal Fillers Doctor Dr Nirdosh Celebrity Doctor Clinic Dubai Jumeirah Clinic
Celebrity Dermatologist Reveals The Time Of Day Your Body Produces Anti-Aging Hormones
We’ve always been told that late night snacking is detrimental to our waistlines, however, now it looks like it’s not doing our skin any favours either.

Celebrity dermatologist, Dr Neetu Nirdosh, whose client list includes Kelly Brook and Frieda Pinto, divulged his top skin tips to and the revelations were pretty interesting.

Dr. Nirdosh revealed that eating after 7pm is off the menu for him, explaining that “the body needs to release anti-aging hormones for repair at night and eating too late causes it to release insulin which negatively affects skin.”

In fairness, we already knew that we needed to break the late-night eating habit.

Aside from our digestive systems needing a nice long break to sort themselves out, we also tend to go for the more sugary, fatty options late at night, so ruling food out after a certain time has its benefits.

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Celebrity Dermatologist DR NIRDOSH Says This Food Is “As Good As Medicine” For Your Skin

For years, the links between diet and skin were dismissed as hearsay.
GP’s always advise people eat a balanced diet, of course, but when it came to treating skin issues, medication was always favoured over nutrition.

However, in recent times, dermatologists are really starting to sit up and pay attention to the obvious links between skin disorders and what we are putting in our bodies.

In fact, only 20 per cent of how our skin ages is down to genetics, and the rest depends on lifestyle.

Dermatologist Dr. Neetu Nirdosh, whose client list includes Kelly Brook and Frieda Pinto revealed to the Daily Mail the foods he swears by and the foods he doesn’t touch in order to maintain his skin health.

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DR NIRDOSH® The Celebrity Cosmetic Doctor to Royalty, Celebrities & A-Listers

Dr Nirdosh is internationally recognised worldwide by royals and celebrities as one of the UK’s pioneering Harley Street cosmetic doctors in non-surgical facial reconstructive procedures. A celebrated author, Dr Nirdosh is held in high esteem by her high profile patients and is hailed as the Best Botox Doctor in London by her A-List clientele. Dr Nirdosh’s leading cosmetic surgical treatments are sought after and include her infamous lip augmentation and dermal fillers london private london service. Book your free consultations with Dr Nirdosh at Harley Street today call 020 7486 4163 We always welcome new clients and recommend you book a private consultation with Dr Nirdosh prior to treatments should this be your first time.


All treatments include a private consultation. Dr. NIRDOSH has been appointed a UK ambassador for Allergan, the makers of Wrinkle Injections & Juvederm.

Lip Enhancement
Jawline & Necklift
Beauty Wrinkle Injections
Cheek Augmentation
Advanced Dermal Filllers
Non-Surgical Face Lift
Chin Implant Non-Surgical
Rhinoplasty Nose Job
Face Recontouring

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